Shareholders Agreement Template Free Download


A Shareholders Agreement is a contract between a company and its shareholders outlining how the company will be managed and stating the rights, duties and obligations of the shareholders. The purpose of this agreement is to protect the rights of investors (who are also shareholders) and their investment and establish a fair relationship between the shareholders and the company.

Among other things, this agreement makes provision for the management of a company, decision-making process either at board meetings or general meetings, share sale and subscription by new and existing shareholders, the protection of a majority shareholder(s) (drag along rights), and protection of minority shareholders (tag along rights).

This document contains the following information:

Download and create your own document with Shareholder Agreement Template (77KB 2 Page(s)) for free. 5 Shareholder Agreement free download. Download free printable Shareholder Agreement samples in PDF, Word and Excel formats. A number of Shareholder Agreement Templates and Examples have been shared on Eloquens by Venture Capital Associations, Entrepreneurs and Investors for you to download and use for your own company. Feel free to have a look below!

- The Names and Addresses of the Parties

The parties to this agreement are the company (whose shares are being issued to the shareholders) and the shareholders. Note that a shareholder can either be a natural or a juristic person. That is, can be an individual or an organization.

- The Management of the Company

This states how the company will be managed. The document outlines the officers of the company and their duties.

- The Share Capital and Share Structure of the Company

The share capital is the finance the company obtained from the allotment of shares. This form filler will provide the share capital of the company and also the shareholding of each shareholder of the company. Note that according to the Companies and Allied Matters Act CAMA, a company may not allot all its shares, but must allot at least 25% of its shares to the shareholders.

- The Rights, Covenants and Representation of the Shareholders of the Company

The document specifies the rights of the shareholders such as the right to receive dividends when declared, right to vote, right to participate in the decision making process of the company, etc. The document also outlines the covenants and representations of the parties to the agreement.

- Meetings of the Board of Directors

Decisions of the directors are made at meetings of the board of directors. The document outlines the quorum, voting, and how resolutions are passed.

- Meetings of the Shareholders of the Company

The document describes quorum and how decisions are passed at the general meetings of the company. According to the CAMA, there are three types of general meeting: Statutory Meeting, Annual General Meeting (AGM), and Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

A Statutory Meeting is a type of meeting that is held only once in a lifetime of the company and is only required for public companies. This meeting must be held at least six months from the date of incorporation of the public company, in which a statutory report will be forwarded to every shareholder of the company.

An Annual General Meeting is a type of meeting that is held once a year. The meeting is usually convened at every financial year end of the company and the ordinary business of the meeting are: presentation of the financial report and reports of directors and auditors, declaration of dividends (if any), re-election of retiring directors, appointment and fixing the remuneration of auditors and appointing the members of the audit committee of the company.

An Extraordinary General Meeting is a type of meeting that is convened either by the directors or any shareholder who is a holder of one tenth of the paid up capital of the company when ever the need arises.

- Drag Along Rights of the Majority Shareholder

Depending on the preference of the parties, the drag along provision may be included to protect the rights of the majority shareholder. This provision enables a majority shareholder who is willing to sell its shares in a merger or acquisition, to compel the minority shareholders (who ordinarily, may be unwilling to sell theirs) to sell their shares at a fair price.

- Tag Along Rights of the Minority Shareholders

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This provision allows minority shareholders are shareholders with less than 50% shareholding in the company. This provision simply states that if a third party is willing to purchase the shares of the majority shareholder, the sale will not be valid except the same offer is also made to the minority shareholders. This provision protects the minority shareholders' rights as it ensures that the shares are sold at the same price, terms and conditions as that of the majority shareholder.

How to use this document

After completing this document, the document should be signed by all the parties to the agreement and each party should have at least one copy for record purposes.

In executing the document, the company should affix the common seal of the company on the document and either two directors or one director and one company secretary should sign the document.

If either of the shareholders is an individual, the individual should sign the document and the signature should be attestedby one witness who will fill out his/her name, address, occupation and sign right below the individual's signature.

If either of the shareholders is a company, the common seal of the company should be affixed on the document and either two directors or one director and one company secretary should sign the document.

If either of the shareholders is any other organization other than a company, for example, a business name (sole proprietorship or partnership), incorporated trustee, etc. an officer of the organization (for example, the sole proprietor, a partner, trustee, etc.) should sign the document and the signature of that officer should be attested by one witness who will fill out his/her name, address, occupation and sign right below the officer's signature.

Applicable law

The Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2004 is applicable to this document. The rules of general contract also apply to this document.

How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

A Shareholder Agreement affects the shareholders of a corporation. It is a formal contract that sets out and explains the structure and nature of their relationship to the corporation and to one another. Corporations find this type of agreement to be highly valuable because it helps to create a strong foundation for the corporation as a whole.

The owners and directors of the company will interact with one another based on this agreement, so it needs to be strong, thorough, well thought out, and without loopholes, ambiguous wording, or other problems.

As a direct line between the corporation’s shareholders and directors, this agreement provides information on the expectations of all parties to the agreement. Legal problems can arise from misunderstandings, and this document reduces the level of misunderstandings so there are fewer risks of lawsuits and related difficulties.

However, these agreements can also become too restrictive, so it is important to ensure that proper wording is provided and the parties to the agreement all understand what is being asked of them.

Table of Contents

When Do I Need a Shareholder Agreement?

If you are a corporation

Corporations will generally want to make a Shareholder Agreement. Spotify audio converter serial key. These are not legally required to form a corporation in all states, but they can and do offer protection and information that are both very valuable for shareholders and directors alike.

If you have outside investors

Additionally, if the corporation plans to take money from outside investors, this document will almost definitely be needed. Anyone who invests in a corporation will want to know how that corporation intends to use their money and what they will be getting for their investment.

They also want to know when they can expect dividends and anything else they are supposed to get from their shares, and without a clear document providing that information, they may choose not to invest.

It is important to understand that this document is not required to create a corporation, and that some smaller corporations that are not expecting to take any outside money from investors choose not to create one.

The Consequences of Not Having a Shareholder Agreement

Even though this document is not required, there can be serious consequences for not having one available and in use. The two biggest consequences are a lack of funds coming in and disagreements that take place between the shareholders and/or directors that are then not easily solved. These are both serious problems, and can affect corporations very strongly if they are not dealt with the correct way.

Investors generally want to see a shareholder agreement

S Corporation Shareholder Agreement Template

Investors are not usually comfortable with providing money to corporations that are not well organized, and that do not show a clear way for those investors to get their money back through dividends and other means. In short, investors invest because they see the value of doing so.

When they no longer see that value, they can end up withdrawing their support. Before they invest, they will carefully study the corporation so they can make a good decision that will benefit them in the short term and in the long term. Corporations without these agreements do not show investors what they need to see in order to feel comfortable with how they will get their investment back over time.

Disputes will be harder to resolve

Additionally, many agreements that belong to small corporations are only created when there is a problem developing. By that time, it can be very hard to create an agreement of this type, because arguments have ensued.

Rather than allow things to get to that point, creating a Shareholder Agreement right away will reduce problems and the risk of disagreements down the line. If there are disagreements at a later date, the agreement will be something that all of the shareholders and directors can be held to, so there are no legal ramifications from not having a proper agreement available.

You lose the chance to better stabilize your business in its infancy

Most corporations understand that the best time to create this agreement is early on, but in some cases they avoid making a one. When they fail to create one, they generally find that they only need it when problems appear.

By then, of course, it is too late to come up with an agreement that everyone can agree on and that is fair to all, because there is too much dissent among the ranks. When it is created right from the beginning, everyone is agreeing to it on good terms. That is the best time to make sure the agreement is fair and just to all of the shareholders and directors of the company, instead of only to some.

Strong-arm tactics are more common when shareholders are already struggling to get along with one another, and they may not get along as well later on as they did in the beginning. That can be a serious concern for all parties, but if there is no agreement in the beginning there is little that can be done once things go bad.

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The Most Common Shareholder Relationships

The majority of relationships come through family, or through employees.

How Do Family Members Become Involved?

A person may own a corporation, and decide to make their children and other family members shareholders. By doing that, they give those family members shares of the corporation, which have value. But they also likely want to make sure they are keeping majority control over that same corporation, so they will need to:

  • be careful how many shares they give or sell
  • not give too much to the same person
  • pay close attention to buying/selling shares
  • create restrictions to ensure they keep majority control

When an Employee Becomes Involved

Many corporations allow employees to purchase shares of the company, and in some cases those shares are gifted to employees for specific reasons or milestones. It is important that the corporation keep track of:

  • who is getting what shares
  • in what numbers
  • the power and relationship balance

With that in mind, however, there are a number of ways that a corporation can make sure employees are getting shares and that the corporation is still keeping proper control. One of those ways is through a Shareholder Agreement, which will spell out the relationship in more detail and help ensure that everyone understands their roles, rights, and responsibilities. When this is not done correctly, or not done at all, the relationships can suffer and can also become more confusing.

That can cause problems for people who own corporations, and also for their family members and employees who may own shares of the corporation but not understand what the value of that ownership is or if there is something they are supposed to do with the shares in order to get their maximum benefit. They may also expect more from the ownership of those shares than the corporation is planning to give, which can leave shareholders frustrated and angry over the misunderstanding.

What Should be Included in the Shareholder Agreement?

Shareholder Agreement Template Microsoft Word

The Shareholder Agreement is not a requirement for a corporation, so there is technically nothing that “should” be included in it, in the sense that there are no specifics that have to be in it, in order to make it valid. These agreements are very flexible documents, so they can be tailored to the corporation to which they belong and can provide proper and accurate information to the directors and the shareholders.

Model 600 and 660 rifles - except those with a serial number beginning with an 'A' before the serial number - were subject to the 1979 recall. Each Model 600 and 660 rifles repaired under the 1979 recall has a “V” (approximately 1/4 inch high) stamped on the left side of the trigger below the receiver line. REMINGTON 600's - 660's. Number Manufactured. Number Manufactured. Number Manufacture. Model 600 Vent Rib all Caliber's. Model 600 Vent Rib 223 Caliber. Model 600 Vent Rib Montana: 1964. Number 1 was presented to the Governor of Montana and Number 2 was presented. /remington-model-600-serial-numbers.html. The Remington Model 600 carbine debuted in 1964, so 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of its introduction. It was the son of the XP-100 pistol that was introduced one year earlier in 1963. The Model 600 shares these features with the original XP-100: - A new, short action - A vent rib on the barrel - A “shark fin” front sight. Remington Model 700 Serial Number Lookup: Remington Firearms manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture.

Generally, though, the latter will have a hand in the decision-making power of the directors and the corporation, so they can help to steer the corporation forward in a way they feel good about.

The agreement should also include:

  • majority and minority shareholders
  • the difference between those two categories
  • why it matters
  • that investment money is not needed for shares
  • how to transfer shares

The power to make decisions or have a seat on the board of directors of a corporation goes to the majority shareholders, and will not go to minority ones in the vast majority of cases. Because of that, shareholders need to know what they own and where they stand, based on how the corporation expects to treat them and what it requires from them in their particular role.

Furthermore, consider the following elements when creating a shareholder agreement:

  • Who the directors are
  • Who the shareholders are
  • What happens if one dies
  • How shares are given to or sold to individuals
  • How shares are sold back to the company or to others
  • How dividends are paid from owning shares
  • Any other perks that are given to parties to the agreement
  • Any rights and responsibilities the parties have

Shareholders Agreement Template Free Download Free

This agreement will help reduce the chances that people may misunderstand what they must do in order to be shareholders, and that can reduce anxiety and related problems.

When it comes to corporations, it is important that their shareholders know what they are required or not required to do, so they do not end up making decisions based on erroneous information. A provision for other shareholders to buy the shares of those deceased or retiring is generally also included in this agreement, to make sure these shares can be dealt with and valued appropriately.

Shareholder Agreement PDF Sample

The sample shareholder agreement below details an agreement between ‘ABC, Inc.’ and the shareholders, ‘Roberto J Williamson’ and ‘Alice J Macarthur’. Roberto J Williamson and Alice J Macarthur agree to their duties regarding the management and supervision of the company.